How to improve the Click-through rate (CTR)? A high CTR can lead to more traffic, more leads, and more sales. So, it becomes very important for success of your business.
Road safety is very important when you are on the road behind the wheels. Check out the main causes of road fatalities and how to improve road safety? Avoid Speeding and drunk driving.
Arrays, Linked lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, and Graphs are a crucial part of Data Structure. Searching & sorting algorithms are used to get the most out of it.
Java generics are a powerful feature that can be used to improve the safety, readability, and maintainability of Java code. Generics can be used when working with collections, generic methods, and generic types. Use generics wisely and avoid using them in situations where they may not be appropriate.
Java annotations are metadata that can be used to provide information about code, control behavior, or be processed by tools. @ symbol is used to create and use annotations.
Learn all about Editable templates in AEM. How to create, edit and maintain. It will also help you in the AEM interviews at beginner, developer or expert level.
Java is considered as secure programming language because of its security apis, better memory management, type safety, sandboxing and bytecode verification.
Implement QueryHints annotations in Spring Data JPA by specifying a query hint with the name and value e.g. "javax.persistence.query.timeout" with value 10000.
Sling Dynamic Include (SDI) can be implemented with three Include types namely SSI, ESI, JSI ie. Server side Include, Edge Side Include & Javascript Include.
To Install a Service Pack in AEM, go to Tools > Deployment > Packages. Click Upload and select the service pack zip file.
The Technology Stack of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) consists of Java Content Repository (JCR), Apache Jackrabbit Oak, OSGi and Structure within the Repository.
What's New in Java LTS Versions 8, 11, and 17? Lambda Expression, Functional Interfaces, Streams API, new HTTP client API, new File I/O API, Vector API, and many more. Check out.
Should you buy Google Pixel 7a in 2023? Check out its summary, pros & cons, image & video gallery, detailed conclusion, and the latest news on this smartphone.
Should you buy POCO F5 in 2023? Check out its summary, pros & cons, image & video gallery, detailed conclusion, and the latest news on this smartphone.
Yellow light on odometer. Engine Light "On" error P307A00 in VW Polo. Check this out for troubleshooting and know the process of fixing it.
Wondering about New Car vs Used Car? Let's see the pros and cons of both. How much does it impact your budget and the ownership cost of your car in long run?
Anti-lock braking systems, ABS is a safety and anti-skid braking feature in Cars and Bikes. Let's see how is it different from EBD? It also helps in controlled steering by preventing the wheels from locking up during braking.
3d mat vs 7d mat, 7d mats vs floor lamination, If you are planning to go for a car floor matting, go for the 7D one or if you are ok to get the refitting of seats and gearbox done, you can even try the pvc matting.
Often we find people pressing the clutch first to avoid accidental stalling of the car, but is it the right way? Let's find out!
Flat tire is often unexpected and disappointing incident for us. The next thing comes to mind is what to do next? Learn what to do when you get a flat tire.
Difference between Turbocharged & Naturally Aspirated Engines in Cars. Pros & Cons Explained. Which one is more reliable, fuel efficient and has lower maintenance cost?
An anti-pinch power window makes sure that your hands are not injured or hurt by mistake while rolling up the power windows. Its a very nice security feature of a car.
Planning to buy first car? Here is a list of items to go through to take an informed decision. Details on New vs used car, body, transmission, Engine, and Fuel type etc.
Love Polo <3 ? Check out the photo gallery of Volkswagen Polo Anniversary Edition. Enjoy its looks and style!