Well, a quick search of the words “artificial intelligence” on Google will give you the following information about AI.

What is AI or Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence or AI, is a field of computer science that enables computer systems to perform tasks that require human intelligence. Human intelligence is mainly about deriving decisions based on self-thinking capabilities. Applying AI, a computer system should be able to perform all the tasks usually performed by humans e.g. speech recognition, language translation, and decision-making.
Talking of decision-making and AI, watch the HBO series – Westworld which shows the extent of AI consequences. Although it is a TV series you will be amazed by seeing how and what AI is capable of doing in the real world.
Applying Artificial Intelligence
We are reaching there! we are progressing at a greater pace on it. Some examples of current AI-based systems which we have already started using or interacting with in our day-to-day life –
- Smart home assistants like – Google Home, Alexa, Siri
- Customer assistants like IBM watson
- Rideshare apps like Uber to determine ETA, price surges, etc.
- Self-driving cars – Check out this video.
- Facial recognition – How it works?
- Personalized recommendations on e-commerce sites e.g. Amazon, video streaming sites e.g. Netflix, and many other such customer-facing websites
- Spam email filtering
- AIs in Fiction – Everyone’s favorite, Iron Man’s JARVIS
If you notice, you will see a pattern in all the above examples. Artificial intelligence needs data, a lot, and a lot of data to learn behavior. Wait a minute, are we talking about learning? Yes, AI’s first step is to learn which is another buzzword here i.e. Machine Learning.

What is Machine Learning?
When we talk of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning automatically comes into the scene. It is not a matter of difference but goes hand in hand. To understand it in a very naive way, assume artificial intelligence is a newborn baby and machine learning is its brain. The mind grows as the baby grows. The mind analyzes the data around it, derives patterns, and evolves. Evolution is the key!
To understand this, watch this amazing movie – Chappie. It perfectly depicts the evolution phase of machine learning.
How to Learn AI & Machine Learning?
There has been some development around AI-related frameworks and TensorFlow, a framework provided by Google is one of the great ways to give your AI learning a kick-start. It is full of resources for beginners, intermediate, or expert-level professionals. It has powerful tools and libraries that allow you to build and deploy your ML-powered applications. Go on, try it today!
Know more about how TensorFlow helps solve real and everyday machine learning problems.
Some more Java-based AI frameworks are – DL4J, Apache Jena, Apache Spark, ADAMS, and Apache Mahout. Try these out and let us know how it goes.
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