Hello there, Hope you all are doing well and driving safely. Well, this would be the last blog of this year, my dear friends. Today, I want to talk distinctively about a very important and trending topic that at least once kicks in the back of every automotive consumer’s mind, i.e. How to improve car mileage?
Ok, let us get started with a few of the very basic things you can start doing immediately to improve your car’s mileage.

In the City
- Do not accelerate more than it needs: The main pressure point where you push out more fuel is the acceleration or the gas pedal. In the city driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic, do not accelerate, let your vehicle drive on its own in the right gear. you just have to put the vehicle on the right gear, whether it is 1st gear, 2nd gear, or even 3rd gear.
- Do not rush in the traffic: Consider this, when you are in long traffic, do not rush behind the vehicle ahead of you. Suppose, the vehicle went ahead a little bit faster but give it a thought, they are not going to skip the traffic anyway, so follow the first point I said above.
- The most important thing is to keep the RPM at a modest possible level enough to keep you moving. Try this, put your vehicle in first gear and don’t accelerate, you will notice the car still moves at the best RPM it can. utilize these features and see the improvement in the mileage.
I can really vouch that, the above tips and tricks have really helped me gain good mileage even in city traffic over the period of time. I learnt it slowly by making mistakes but I would like to share this experience with you. 🙂
Below are some photos I took when I achieved good mileage on some of the fine days when I went for city and highway drives.

On the Highway
- Use cruise control to maintain the speed. Don’t get excited by seeing others overtaking you. Remember one thing, your goal is to reach your destination and not play drag race.
- Observe and Learn the perfect RPM which is the sweet spot for gaining the best mileage for your car. Somewhere between 2000 to 3000 RPM is the best for gaining mileage on the highways.
Watch this interesting video to understand more about pulse and glide techniques to improve the mileage of a car.
I hope you liked the above video. Stay tuned and visit our other blogs mainly in the Beginners Zone and Know Your Car categories.
Ok, I will end this blog with a few more generic tips and tricks you can follow on a daily basis. Remember, small changes add up to big results. By adopting these fuel-efficient habits and maintaining your car well, you can squeeze more miles out of every liter of fuel you spend and watch those savings stack up.
- Ease into the throttle, learn to anticipate traffic flow and most importantly the traffic signals while driving into the city, and maintain a steady pace. Avoid situations where you have to apply sudden brakes.
- Cruise at constant speed on highways, ideally between 55 and 65 mph, is the sweet spot for fuel efficiency.
- Ease off the load. remove unnecessary loads from your car like roof rack, unwanted luggage, etc.
- Airconditioning or the AC system of the vehicle, also impacts the mileage, choose to use it wisely.
- Keep the car in good condition. Items like engine oil, oil filters, and air filters should always be in proper condition.
- The tire pressure plays a crucial role in the mileage. Keep the tire pressure always in check. Consult your vehicle manual for the correct pressure of air you should fill your car.
- If you see a sudden drop in your car’s mileage, get the wheel alignment checked, that could be one of the reasons for the sudden drop in mileage. It also hampers the longevity of your car tire.
That’s all for today folks, see you in the next blog in the next year. Till then stay safe, drive safe, and have a very happy new year 2024!! see you later—ciao!
Further Readings
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy-efficient_driving
- Checkout our other Car Reviews & Beginners Zone blogs
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