A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

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Today we will learn how to run Producer-Consumer Architecture MicroServices using Spring Boot and RabbitMq on Docker. We will achieve this using below simple steps.

Step 1

Install Docker Desktop for Windows 10 from here.

Note: Get help in installing the Linux version docker here – https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/ but please note that this tutorial is run and tested to work on Windows environment only

Step 2

Open PowerShell or cmd and run the below command to create a docker network –

docker network create dock-bridge --driver=bridge

We will use this docker network for intercommunication between services and RabbitMQ.

A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

Step 3

Initialize RabbitMQ on docker

docker run -d --network dock-bridge --hostname my-hostname --name rabbit-on-dock-bridge -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management 
A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

Step 4

Clone the service producer code from our GitHub repository and build it

git clone https://github.com/webfuse2017/sb-ms-rmq-dockr-publisher  

mvn clean package

Step 5

Build a docker image and run it

docker build -t publisher:1.0 .

Here we specify the build tag in the format: <image_name>:<tag_name>

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --network dock-bridge --name publisher publisher:1.0

The last parameter publisher:1.0 is the image that we want to run in the format:

<image_name>:<tag_name> –name is used to give a name to the docker container

A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

Step 6

Repeat steps 4 & 5 for the subscriber

git clone https://github.com/webfuse2017/sb-ms-rmq-dockr-subscriber

mvn clean package

docker build -t subscriber:1.0 .docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --network dock-bridge --name subscriber subscriber:1.0
A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

Step 7

Verify all the containers using the docker desktop dashboard or using the below command

docker container ls --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}"
A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

Step 8

Hit the below URL from the browser to send a message :

A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

Step 9

Open the docker desktop and see logs under subscriber to see the message printed. You can also run the below command on cmd or PowerShell to see the live logs of the subscriber.

docker container logs -f subscriber
A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

Step 10

Access the RabbitMq dashboard from the browser then open it below on a browser –

http://localhost:15672/ and use guest as username and password.

That’s all. Feel free to drop in your comments if you have any questions, clarification, or feedback on this quick Guide to Producer-Consumer Architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker

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