How about a Few Useful Java/J2EE Tips?

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In our day-to-day work life, we do development or bug fixes. We come across several websites and StackOverflow is one of the saviors for the developers. Here, I am just listing down some issues and a few useful Java/J2ee tips which I solved using the StackOverflow website, which saved my day.

How to disable Maven download progress indication?

Do you want to disable the maven download progress indication because it always creates lots of download lines in the logs?

The solution is to use maven batch mode. Use mvn -B or mvn –batch-mode to block the download progress output in the maven logs.

Starting the maven 3.6 version, you can also use –no-transfer-progress to suppress the download progress output.

How to fix “java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method..”?

This error occurs when you try to access a method of a class that is in the same package but is available in a different jar and classloader.

This usually happens when you are using different versions of the class at runtime and compile time.

To fix this, check the concerned jar of the conflicted method and the jar being used inside your project. You should remove one of them and run the project build again.

The other way to fix this could be to use the class with a full namespace wherever you are using it so that there is no scope for conflict during runtime.

Tomcat SEVERE Exception “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.example.bean.SomeBean at…

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