To set up Python on Windows or Linux or Mac is very easy. Just follow the instructions in this article and run your first Python program.
Wondering, how to start learning Python? Here is a quick overview about Python and its features and capabilities. It will help you to get started with programming.
Java generics are a powerful feature that can be used to improve the safety, readability, and maintainability of Java code. Generics can be used when working with collections, generic methods, and generic types. Use generics wisely and avoid using them in situations where they may not be appropriate.
Java annotations are metadata that can be used to provide information about code, control behavior, or be processed by tools. @ symbol is used to create and use annotations.
Learn all about Editable templates in AEM. How to create, edit and maintain. It will also help you in the AEM interviews at beginner, developer or expert level.
Java is considered as secure programming language because of its security apis, better memory management, type safety, sandboxing and bytecode verification.
Implement QueryHints annotations in Spring Data JPA by specifying a query hint with the name and value e.g. "javax.persistence.query.timeout" with value 10000.
Sling Dynamic Include (SDI) can be implemented with three Include types namely SSI, ESI, JSI ie. Server side Include, Edge Side Include & Javascript Include.
To Install a Service Pack in AEM, go to Tools > Deployment > Packages. Click Upload and select the service pack zip file.
The Technology Stack of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) consists of Java Content Repository (JCR), Apache Jackrabbit Oak, OSGi and Structure within the Repository.
What's New in Java LTS Versions 8, 11, and 17? Lambda Expression, Functional Interfaces, Streams API, new HTTP client API, new File I/O API, Vector API, and many more. Check out.
OSGi is a modular framework that allows software components to be independently developed, deployed and managed using system console in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
String is a good candidate for HashMap in Java because of features like immutability, hashability and equality, making it ideal for storing and retrieving objects efficiently.
Learn How to Solve Basic Mathematical Problem with Python. Problems like Computing Factorials and Fibonacci Sequence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. Pros & Cons of AI.
Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. Learn about summation of series, generating averages, harmonic means and some special cases using python.
Learn how to shift values of N consecutive variables in Python. Values of n variables can be easily shifted by making use of an extra temporary variable. However, that is not a good practice. Let's see some best practices today.
AEM Components most asked Developer level interview questions. If you are a developer, Ace Your Next AEM Interview with These AEM Component Questions.
Check out the steps to restore the deleted pages in AEM 6.3 to 6.5 versions. It can be easily done using classic-ui in AEM.
This is a Swagger UI 3 quick setup guide with Spring Boot in two simple steps. Swagger UI is just one open source project in the thousands that exist in the Swagger ecosystem.
Let's learn how to setup Swagger UI with a simple Spring Boot application. This sample POC will show you the setup in two simple steps.
The term Functional Interface was introduced in Java 8. Functional interfaces are the interfaces which have only one abstract (non-implemented) method.
Is it pass-by-reference or pass-by-value in Java? Primitive type is passed by value and objects passed by reference, understand Java's Pass-by-Value Mechanism.
Lambda expressions is one of java 8 features and used to write anonymous methods of functional interfaces. It has turned Java into functional-style programming.