Deadlocks, A Common Problem in Multithreaded Applications, How to prevent the Race Conditions with Synchronization that is Key to Safe and Efficient Multithreading.
Java Concepts
Confused about Checked and Unchecked Exceptions? Do not be, Check out this article to understand when to use them and how to handle these exceptions and yes, unchecked exceptions are not the same as runtime exceptions.
What is a Hashing technique in Java? How to implement using a hash table? Different types of hashing algorithms, Benefits and drawbacks, when and when not to use.
Learn about Java Multithreading in this tutorial with examples, best practices, performance, deadlocks, synchronization, concurrency, security, and debugging.
What is java exception handling, How to write custom exceptions in java with exception hierarchy using try-catch, throw and throws keyword, and finally block.
Java generics are a powerful feature that can be used to improve the safety, readability, and maintainability of Java code. Generics can be used when working with collections, generic methods, and generic types. Use generics wisely and avoid using them in situations where they may not be appropriate.
Java annotations are metadata that can be used to provide information about code, control behavior, or be processed by tools. @ symbol is used to create and use annotations.
Learn the 23 software design patterns including Gang of Four design patterns or object-oriented design patterns in Java, python, C++, PHP, Javascript, etc.