Learn how to install WordPress in a Separate Directory on server by following simple steps in this article. It is a good thing to do in terms of site security.
Learn how to Set up AEM Dispatcher for Publish Instance in a localhost environment on a Windows machine using Internet Information Service (IIS) manager.
Learn how to Set up AEM Dispatcher for Author Instance in a localhost on a Windows machine using Internet Information Service (IIS) manager instead of Apache 2.4.x
In this tutorial, we will learn to Install/Enable IIS (Internet Information Service) Manager on windows and the ISAPI extension which is required for the AEM dispatcher dll to work with the author and publish AEM instance.
AEM Developer Interview Questions - Java Content Repository (JCR), OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative), Apache Sling, and AEM Development best practices.
Microservices architecture is a software design approach that structures an application as a suite of small, independent services. Each service is self-contained and performs a single function. The services communicate with each other through well-defined APIs.
Kick-start a simple Spring Boot MVC web application with Thymeleaf as a template engine powered by Bootstrap UI. It will have a Data layer as JPA which can support Hibernate/HSQLDB/Spring Data JPA and Mongo DB.
Artificial Intelligence or AI, is a field of computer science which enables the computer systems to perform tasks which require human intelligence. Human intelligence mainly pertaining to deriving decision based on self thinking capabilities. Applying AI, a computer system should be able to perform all the tasks which is usually performed by humans e.g. speech recognition, language translation, decision making.
A Quick Guide to Producer-Consumer architecture using Spring-Boot, RabbitMq, and Docker. Spring Boot Microservices and RabbitMQ example with Docker on Windows 10.
SOLID stands for Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency inversion principle. It is helpful in OOPS and robust Java applications.
WordPress is a PHP-based CMS (Content Management System). It enables you to build your website in an easy way. It is the most popular CMS and guess what, it is free!
Accidentally deleted some pages in AEM? You can still restore the pages. The option to restore deleted pages in AEM is not available currently in the touch.
A singleton design pattern is a Creational Design Pattern, Used for resource-intensive objects, Restricts multiple instantiations of a class, and ensures that only one instance of the class exists in the JVM.
There are two ways to set the application context path in the spring boot application. If you are using standalone tomcat server instance, it doesn't allow to use the server.servlet.context-path property. Refer to below URL:
How to fix Maven Error - No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?
How to do AEM 6.4 upgrade? Understand the latest features in AEM 6.4. few pointers which will help you in deciding whether to upgrade to AEM 6.4 or not
Check out the difference between String and StringBuffer or Mutable and Immutable classes. Also, learn about the benefit of an immutable object over a mutable object.
How to fix “Deserialization Not Allowed For Class” Error during AEM upgrade? A simple fix is to add com.sun.crypto.provider.SealedObjectForKey deserialization in the deserialization firewall configuration
403 error while accessing AEM Author via public IP. Session getting invalidated and user is logged out while creating new page in site-admin
After AEM upgrade in the author instance, the error No 'SupportedCredentials' configured. Using default implementation supporting 'SimpleCredentials' needs to be fixed by applying the LDAP name in the request.
How about a Few Useful Java/J2EE Tips? Learn how to disable Maven download progress indication and a few other IllegalAccessError and NoClassDefFoundError issues.
Here are a few of the possible ways how to find out the current AEM Version using Touch UI, Classic UI & System Console's - product info section.
Know what are SNS Nodes and how to find Same Name Sibling (SNS) Nodes. Fix this issue during AEM version upgrade using a Groovy script in the Felix Console
Learn more about the difference between CRX2 and CRX3 and How to know AEM is running on which CRX version? The main difference is that CRX2 extends the features of...